This article appeared In the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa Journal for July
The Rev. Cn Marlin Whitmer began a listserv in the Diocese of Iowa in the late 1990s called The Scripture Ministry in Daily Life and it eventually became Ministry Formation Online. The list continued until the end of 2014.
Marlin would like to re-launch that list with a focus on Special Topics for Changing Times beginning with Mental Health and Christian Formation. His interest in mental health comes from an adult son and daughter with severe mental illness. One is presently in a long-term care facility and the other is in a 24/7 group home. Marlin is now on the Scott County Mental Health Court Board. This is a 2 or 3 year program for those incarcerated to become stabilized and receive reduced time/eliminate their sentence. He believes that connecting the dots and networking in the maze of a present piece-meal approach to mental illness is a social justice need in our time and that the Iowa legislature needs to provide proper funding for the continuum of care required with mental illness issues.
To join the listserv, send an email to:
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